shining a light on the complexities of being women with spirit

Posts tagged ‘diamonds’

Why Women Work and The Power of Diamonds

ImageWomen in business…it’s not about categorising what we do into a little box and saying ‘hey, this is me, I am this’ during our working hours. This is limiting us. We are more.

We are multifaceted beings capable of integrating work and play seemlessly into a whole life.  Women with spirit, women like me do not work only to pay the bills or strive for global domination in our niche.  We work as simply another way of expressing our creativity and love for those we care about.  We work to find meaning and to express aspects of our being that cannot be explored as a wife, mother, daughter, employee, etc.  Our creative expression through work is a reflection of our divine essence, our own personal strand of the fabric of life.

Now has come the age for all humans, male and female, that we are compelled to express our true nature and bring our gifts into manifestation. To ignore the calling of our spirit is to live in suffering and turmoil. We must heed the call to our inner truth.  Not because someone tells us we must, but because we can no longer ignore our meaning, our purpose, and our innate power.

My quest, my calling is to discover how many ways I can turn my divine expression into a creative manifestation in the material world. For now, my work is to be a writer/artist/musician/therapist/facilitator/nurse/mother.  This will change, and that’s okay. Stagnation is akin to death.

The internet is a wonderful tool that is allowing the innate creativity and power of women to grow, have a voice, and to reach out and share inspiration with each other.  We can evolve and change to our hearts content. We can be everywhere, and no where all at once. There is no glass ceiling on the internet and although it is a busy world, there is enough cyberspace for everyone to work in harmony, without the need for competition.

Gone is the time for operating in isolation.  We must all join together and support each other in our dreams and visions for the new world. To do this, we must integrate all the facets of our being.  This will fully activate our potential in this world.

We do not have to identify ourselves with being one thing or another. Not one man or woman is only one thing…’just a mum’, ‘a writer’, ‘a single dad’, ‘an accountant’, or ‘a teacher’.  Those days are over.  We are ALL THINGS.  We embody spirit in all it’s colours and all its glory.  We are all things and it does not diminish us to stand tall and claim it.

Like facets of diamond, when light shines on a changing angle, a new beauty emerges and delights the beholder.  People like this, humans who have embraced and activated their divine essence do not ‘start businesses’ or ‘work’.  We simply reveal another facet of our brilliance for the world to enjoy.  We express yet another aspect of our divinity.  Women in business, when aligned with their meaning and divine expression are changing the model of why women work.

It is time to stop apologising for being wondrous, talented, beautiful, intelligent and creative, to stop ‘acting on our best behaviour’, playing down our talents and hiding our gifts.  Instead we can embrace our true nature and show up in the world empowered and unstoppable in our greatness and fully present and accepting of our whole being.

Our freedom as a global community and a peaceful humanity depends on breaking down the walls of what we ‘should be’ and allowing our innate brilliance to shine and light up the world – this will raise us all to the next level.

In fact, it is our responsibility to shine our light.  In doing so, in living as a whole being, we nourish the people we love the most. We build a bridge of light upon which others may travel from the darkness towards their own empowerment and sit in the seat of their own divine source self.

We must be women who are ready to take our place in the world as the truest form of our selves.  A life without limits means embracing and loving all our facets – every one of them is valid and useful and from divine source. We must say ‘this is me, in all my glory’.

My purpose here is to open a channel for connection and communication with divine source and facilitate the greatness in others.  I will ask the hard questions, embrace the unknown and illuminate the path.   Come with me.

Shine bright.

Be the multifaceted diamond.
